

Recently, deep in the Mojave Desert, on an archaeology dig, 
under piles of dirt, I found a document more important to modern
society than the Dead Sea Scrolls or the Rosetta Stone.

After months of restoration and computer enhancement I am now
able to present to you, for the first time, a first edition copy
created sometime in the last century by one of
the western world's greatest literary minds: Mr Kirk Cameron

The Raver's Handbook:







"Secure locations"









"Acting Responsibly"














"Dealing with the wrong people"








"loitering outside a venue"

"Acting safely and responsibly"

"Acting safely and responsibly"

"Know what you're taking"

"Know your limit!"

"Know your limit!"

"Know how to handle yourself with the police"

"Know your promoters"

We LOVE Kirk!!!

"New Raver Friends..."